Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Laura Bush tells a joke about the president masturbating a horse at one of those National Press shindigs.

What does the press do?

Well, I saw the execrable Brian Williams try to historicize Laura's raunchiness (she also talked about the Whitehouse gaggle of old broads, Condi, Karn Hughes, Lynne Cheney and herself going out to see Chippendales dancers, and the underlying theme of her routine was that the President was sexually boring) in the most insincere, unconvincing manner possible. Apparently Laura emasculating her husband on television is as significant as Betty Ford's campaign to remove the taboo in discussing and dealing with substance abuse.

The clip they showed on that show cut off the part about Bush "milking" a horse. Heh.

Bush is no longer a popular president. Laura Bush's horse dick jokes are neither so novel they deserve network anchors pretending they mean something, nor are they so funny they deserve this kind of pass. And there's the obvious double standard. If Hillary had joked about Bill jerking off a horse it would've been treated like she performed a satanic rite on stage involving aborted fetuses.

And of course we have the only editorial columnist for the New York Times dumber than David Brooks, John Tierney, explains the whole thing proves liberals are out of touch. (!) Listen, Laura Bush reading shitty jokes about horse schlongs doesn't make me think about her any differently, and it shouldn't. Laura Bush isn't a prim librarian-she's a politician's husband, one that lacks any sort of personality as far as I can tell (I may be wrong about this, she might just be bad on TV, and that's no crime). And Laura Bush talking about Chippendales doesn't mean shit about fictional red country.

Another note about Tierney: I'm tired of pampered conservative columnists who live in New York City talking about how regular folks feel sneered at by "elites." (A) What would Tierney know about it? And (B) What is with the martyr campaign? In the world of the conservative pundit, being a regular ol' red state schmoe makes one a figure of elite ridicule, a victim of Jon Stewart's terrible gaze of disapproval. In the real world, dumbshit conservatives run the country, "liberal" is a dirty word, and Laura Bush's horse dick jokes are some sort of epic accomplishment, like she came on stage and performed heart surgery.

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